Driving by the KFC in Clawson my eye was first attracted to the beautiful landscaping that had been done at curbside in front of the restaurant. On a second pass, I was amused at how the Colonel seemed to be peaking out from behind the flowers and knew I had to photograph the scene. Stopping by early one morning before there was much traffic in or out I made a couple of exposures. Using selective focus to emphasize the sign, I made sure the Colonels face was sharp. A wide aperture setting of 5.6 helped throw the foreground flowers out of focus. The soft red of the flowers, echoed by the red of the sign adds another visual hook. After reviewing the image at 100% on my computer monitor I felt the flowers appeared softer than I would have preferred. If I were to re-do the shot I would stop down to an aperture setting of 8 to help sharpen up the flowers a bit. Sounds like an assignment for another day.