would have been tough to capture with my point and shoot.
Last time around I wrote of the convenience of point and shoot cameras, and as improvements continue to be made it makes a lot of sense for the average picture taking individual to stick with that type of camera. Even though I was pretty satisfied with my point and shoot I have to admit it never felt like a real camera to me. Maybe it is a generational thing, after all I was born in the middle of the last century (can you hear my bones creak as I type?). I've worked with 35mm, 2-1/4 and 4x5 film cameras - they were black and silver, sometimes bulky and very often heavy. Point and shoot cameras come in a rainbow of colors, are small enough to fit in your pocket, and are as easy as pie to operate. Any yet I jumped at the chance to buy a digital SLR. The SLR looks like my old 35mm, it feels like my old 35mm and it handles like my old 35mm. You even look through a viewfinder not an LCD screen to compose your shot. When I feel really daring I switch the camera to manual and handle focusing and the exposure settings all by myself. This is a real camera!
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