Stepping out my front door this past Friday evening to take our dog for a walk, I was dazzled by an incredible view of the sky. Pushing the confused dog back into the house, I grabbed my camera to capture the truly awesome combination of clouds and color. Like most people who own a camera I have taken my share of sunset pictures, typically shot up north, standing on a sandy beach as the sun drops below the horizon across Lake Michigan. It is God's handiwork at its finest. Then the prints come back and hmmm, it just ain't the same as being there. Many photographers try, but few succeed in capturing an awe inspiring sunset. Last weeks unusual cloud formation lit by bonfire-like color was very possibly the finest sunset I have ever witnessed. Does the photo do it justice? Probably not, but among my own sunset pictures this one stands as a favorite - and the sun isn't even in it!
For an explanation of this peculiar cloud formation and more outstanding photos check out Jonathan Schechter's Earth's Almanac blog
Wow! Very nice.