Unless otherwise noted, all images are copyright Kevin Fermoyle

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Best Places on Earth

The link below features a series of 25 photos of "The best places on Earth to photograph". When you talk about "the best" of anything it is certainly subjective, but these are some awesome sights. The article tells you where they are and what to look for in case you happen to be doing a bit of globe trekking.

Best Places on Earth

It is certainly worth checking out the locations - some may be familiar while others are relatively obscure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our Fine Feathered Friends

If a survey is ever done on which profession has the most patient practitioners, nature photographers would have to rank at or near the top of the list. Numerous times I have read about nature photographers laying for hours on end out in the woods or jungle land waiting for a wild animal to enter their frame of view for the shot that viewers will marvel over. Or the people that produce those awesome nature shows on TV who shoot for weeks or even months to have just one hour of usable material.

Me, I'm not quite that patient a person, but I did make an effort to capture a few shots of our fine, feathered friends as they visited our backyard. Keeping my camera with long lens at hand and ready to go for just the right moment, only to have the bird fly away before I could snap the shutter. End result - lots of empty frames, lots of blurry images and a few pictures that are keepers.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Just added this image to my "Cruising" store on Zazzle . Originally photographed at a car show during the Dream Cruise in 2009, I did some heavy Photoshop work to create a custom car in the spirit of 1960's show cars from the likes of George Barris, Ed "Big Daddy" Roth and others. I may never have the chance to fabricate a custom car of my own out of sheet metal, but it is possible to create a virtual one with a bit of digital magic.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Publish A Book Of Your Own

Viewing your images on paper or computer screen are fine, but have you ever had the desire to see your photos in the pages of a book? Nikon offers up a few suggestions for publishing a photo-book of your own on this link -Link
Self Publishing

The beauty of the internet and digital technology is that an individual is now able to produce a one of kind, personalized publication of this sort which would have been nearly impossible - to say nothing of being extremely expensive - just a few years ago.