Unless otherwise noted, all images are copyright Kevin Fermoyle

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

THE Color Photographer

At one time when people discussed color photography, Pete Turner was the name that was often the first mentioned. Turner has been a successful commercial photographer for decades, hitting a peak in the Seventies and Eighties. I remember ogling Turner's work in the photo magazines, wishing I could duplicate his ability to capture rich color and bold graphic imagery. Besides the deeply saturated color of his images, Turner was also known for his special effects photography. Special effects created in-camera by Turner and his assistants in the halcyon days before Photoshop. In addition to his commercial advertising work, Pete has published a coffee table sized tome covering his time traveling in Africa along with a book collecting covers he shot for a variety of jazz albums. Take a few minutes to visit Turner's website http://peteturner.com/ and enjoy a trip through his virtual gallery for a taste of color photo work at its best.

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